برامج التعليم مجانيّة

إرتقِ إلى أعلى المستويات في الهايتك

Customer Success Professional

تميزوا عن الآخرين!

ستكتشفون فن إنشاء علاقات مع العملاء، تحويل التحديات إلى فرص، وتحقيق رضا استثنائي. برنامجنا يجهّزكم بكل ما تحتاجون للتفوق في هذا المجال الدينامي، من إتقان التعامل مع الاعتراضات إلى إتمام الصفقات ببراعة. لن تكونوا محترفين عاديين بل متخصصين متميزين في تحقيق النجاح.

هل تريد معرفة المزيد ؟

ماذا ستتعلمون؟

السيطرة على العالم الرقمي
استغلال قوة التكنولوجيا ورفع مستوى أدائك في نجاح العملاء
التعامل مع العقبات بدقة
تطوير الخبرة في بحث العملاء المحتملين وإثارة الاهتمام بفعالية
فن إتمام الصفقات
اكتشاف استراتيجيات تحقيق النتائج، إتمام الصفقات والتفوق في عمليات التفاوض
تعزيز قصة نجاحك الشخصية
كيفية التخطيط، المحافظة وزيادة شبكة العملاء
* ليس لديك خبرة سابقة في التكنولوجيا أو نجاح العملاء؟ ليس هناك مشكلة! يقدم برنامجنا الشامل لنجاح العملاء كل المعلومات التي تحتاجونها للتفوق في هذا المجال الدينامي.

نضمن لكم الحصول على تدريب داخلي (ستاج) في شركة هايتك بنسبة 100٪!
نجد لكم مكان للتدريب العملي بعد إنتهاء الدورة.

موعد الافتتاح


تدريب مهني لمدة
4 أشهر

الاثنين والخميس

تدريس متنوع وجاهي
/ افتراضي

هذا البرنامج سيكون افتراضيًا، مع التعلّم في الصف مرة شهريًا

تعليم باللغتين
الإنجليزية والعبرية

التعليم سوف يكون باللغة العبرية، بينما ستكون الممارسة باللغة الانجليزية

لماذا تختار التعلّم ضمنA-tech

A-tech هو الخيار الأفضل للأكاديميين الذين يتطلّعون لبدء حياة مهنية في مجال الهايتك، بفضل المنهاج الدراسيّ الشامل
لقد تضاعف راتب خريجي برنامجنا ثلاث مرات!

مواد التدريس

قد يتم إجراء التغييرات في مواد التدريس خلال البرنامج

Introduction to tech and startup world
Learning basic terminologies in tech world, tech companies structure, evolution and trends, companies types and goals, key industries
SaaS CS foundations
What is SaaS CS, terminology, key concepts, CS department structure and roles, main methodologies
The role of the CS
Role overview, main responsibilities, main KPIs and goals, interfaces with other roles, hiring process, key competencies, career
Customer journey overview
Overview of the entire customer journey, review of the key stages of working with the customers
Handover + Kickoff
Zoom in on the handover process between the salesperson and the CSM
Onboarding and Implementation plan
How to plan and execute the onboarding and the implementation process
Managing a book of business
How to plan, retain and grow your portfolio of customers
Learning discovery methodologies, how to run an efficient discovery, BANT, quantifying the pain - theory and practice
Product demo
How to demo the product and connect the story to the customer pain - theory and practice
Learning different methodologies for negotiating with your customers
Running a QBR and establishing a case study
Quarterly Business Review meeting - preparation, agenda, participants
Business objectives and KPIs
Key metrics to track and manage for CSM
A Tech Registration form September 2023

Here's your ticket
to high tech >>>


Opening date


5 months of professional training

2 days a week

Online & offline hybrid classes

This program is mostly online, with a class meeting once a month

Session in English & Hebrew

In addition to Hebrew training, part of the practice will also be in English


Changes may be made throughout the program

Tech onboarding
In order to launch a career in hi-tech, you need to understand the language and the culture. You need to be professional, while also being adaptable. In this course, you will acquire the skills and learn how to be at your best in a technological environment - think differently about the world of employment, gain data related skills, and understand different working methods, terms, and concepts
Learn to master the Structured Query Language, broadly used to query data which is stored in various rational DBs
Analyst Full Cycle
Understand the working process of Data Analyst and learn different methods and best practices used in each working phase
Power BI
Learn to master a leading Data visualization tool, which enables to execute complex data analysis and make it available as dashboards and reports for business users
Data visualization & storytelling
Practice your ability to pass on your message using data and learn how to make it simple, clear and accurate
Final Project
Demonstrating an end to end data analysis work and builds a solid experience to be used in future interviews
Professional Interview Simulations
Senior Data Analysts from various organizations, will simulate professional interviews and provide feedback at the end

Integrate data language into daily business

Use analytical tools to analyze business data

Leverage data insights to make business decisions


Who is the program for?

If you are from the Arab community, have a 1st degree or higher, high-level Hebrew  and are motivated to enter the high-tech field - then it sounds like you should apply! Make sure you are able to commit to studying twice a week in the afternoon-evening.

What is the application process?

Our application process is all online and includes several steps: a registration form on our website, a technical task & introduction video, an evaluation center  and a personal interview.

What are the program requirements?

The course will run twice a week in the afternoon-evening and will require full attendance. The course is demanding, you must be fully motivated to take part in the process, participate in lessons  and prepare homework assignments.

Why should I pick A-tech compared to other programs available?

A-tech will give you the practical skills and knowledge you need to enter the constantly changing High Tech industry. The program is free of charge and we do everything we can to find out graduates a job with good conditions.

Why Data Analysis?

Many define the current time as the beginning of the Data era and call data "the new gold". There is no doubt that data is becoming a key tool in the growth of any organization  and therefore data analysis is the place to be!

What practical skills will I gain from the course?

Besides learning the basic tools used by a data analyst, you will acquire the knowledge and working methods of those involved in the profession and come out with new ways of thinking - more analytical, more critical and more based on numbers.

Will I really be able to find a job as a Data Analyst at the end of the program?

We are in constant communication with organizations to stay up-to-date with their needs  and there is no doubt that the industry has a severe shortage of data people.  We built our training to provide you with the knowledge and experience required to pass interviews and enter the fields of Data Analysis and Business Analysis.

I’m already working as a Data Analyst, can I still apply?

No, the course is only for those who wish to enter the Data Analysis field.